Monday, August 24, 2009


1. Where did you meet?
- Technically?? My friend, Emily, and Scott's son Bryan, set Scott & I up on our first date. We talked on the phone for quite a while. He had me laughing so hard! I knew I wanted to meet him! We planned a day, time & place to meet. Then he asked me, "What do we do? Do we do a drive-by, see if the other person is ugly & then leave if they are?" I said, "Fine by me!" Then the day before our date he called and said, "I don't need to do a drive-by anymore. Your friend, Emily, e-mailed me pictures of you, and I think you are beautiful." I responded with, "Well what if I think YOU'RE ugly!? I still need to do my drive-by!" The day of our date comes around....a man walks into the bank where I work...looks around and then B-LINES it to my desk! I give this scowl like "Who are you? And what are you needing from me?" ...... when this man extends his hand to shake mine and says, while shaking my hand, "Consider this your drive-by"...then he turned and walked out. Not another word! I was completely stunned!! THAT MAN STOLE MY HEART IN THAT MOMENT!! So.....technically the first time I met him was at my office.

2. How long did you date before you got married?
- 9 months

3. How long have you been married?
- Over one year now! :-)

4. What does he do that surprises you?
- Touches my hand....or my />
5. What is your favorite feature of his?
- His intense & gorgeous blue eyes...his genuine laugh....

6. What is your favorite quality of his?
- There are MANY!!The way he is always wanting to make sure everyone around him knows he />
7. Does he have a nickname for you?
- Not really....sometimes he calls me Sweetie...usually just calls me FREAK

8. What is his favorite color?
- His favorite color is CLEAR!! Yes....CLEAR....And the way he explains it makes sense!

9. What is his favorite food?
- FRESH turkey....and sweet potato casserole (it is WAY YUMMY)
10. What is his favorite sport?
- play

11. When and where was your first kiss?
- We were on our first date. We had been talking for HOURS. We started out at the Red Door with some drinks. I was "worthy" enough to go to dinner with (that's another story...and it has to do with being stuck with someone on a blind date that you don't want to be on), so we walked across the street to the Blue Iguana. After a while there, he just leaned over and kissed />
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
- to the gym....

13. Do you have any children?
- Yes....FIVE and two grandkids

14. Does he have a hidden talent?
- Now if I tell you IT WON'T BE HIDDEN!! (He can whistle with his thumbs. He tells TONS of jokes. He is a sneaky magician with the cards. He is a VERY calculated board game player. He's a FANTASTIC dancer.

15. How old is he?
- 47

16. Who said I love you first?
- He did.

17. What is his favorite type of music?
- He likes several types of music....Great dancing music, to mellow music, to rock music. OUR SONG is by Lifehouse... "Everything"

18. What do you admire most about him?
- I admire him....and I've told him so, for his brilliance, his sense of humor, his old fashioned manners, his charm, his grace..... What I admire the most is his dedication to making sure we KNOW that we are important to him.

19. Do you think he will read this?
- I'm not sure. I know that he KNOWS about this blog. But I don't know how often he actually looks at it.